Well, I've been feeling the spirit world going crazy the past two weeks. There has been a lot of pressure in the spirit realm resulting in headaches and migraines as the pituitary gland works hard to integrate all the energy. It feels as if a pressure is pushing down and building up at the same time, as if an explosion is about to occur. Now, after hearing about the unrest in the Middle East, I understand why.
The spirit world is made up of thought, feeling and energy and when a large group of people have intense or swirling thoughts, this intensity is felt through the spirit world before it manifests into the physical reality. Fine tuning yourself with the spirit world and with the Group Mind of our planet is a fantastic way to be prepared for the events that will come our way in the 3rd dimension.
This unrest will not end until spring of 2013. Just keep yourself healthy, calm and focused on Love, family and community and you will be fine. Focus your thoughts on what you want instead of what you don't want. Focus on the Energy of Love and bring that into the 3rd dimension. Love will dissolve lower chakra chaos.
"The Energy of Love and Inspiration.... It alone is able to restrain and cage the energy of disdain, hatred and rage." -Anastasia, Book 4, page 11
Different parts of the world represent different chakras (energy centers) of the human body. As Earth cleanses herself, the cleansing will go through the chakras beginning with the root chakra. The Middle East and Africa hold the energy of the root chakra and has been detoxing itself for years. This is a wonderful thing to have happen for the Earth and the human race even though it is manifesting itself as fear and violence right now. It will help the entire planet if all of us focus on healing and detoxing any root chakra issues of our own.
Root Chakra: Base of the spine; Raw emotions, survival, fear, money issues, primal thoughts.
Affirmation: I Am safe.
Sacral Chakra: Hips, groin and belly button area; Personal power center, emotions and creativity.
Affirmation: I Am loved.
Solar Plexus Chakra: Abdominal area; Self perceptions, gut feelings, core of intuition
Affirmation: It is safe to know.
Other parts of the world hold the energy of the other chakras. The next two chakras represent personal power, self esteem, identity and perceptions of self. These are the next issues that will come to the surface on the Earth beginning early next spring. The second chakra is the area of China and Vietnam and the third chakra is Europe and perhaps the area of Brazil.
Please keep in mind that the chakra system is NOT a hierarchy and by no means am I saying that any one part of the Earth is better or more advanced than another. On the contrary, we need our chakras to work together in harmony in order to have a healthy human being and a healthy planet. A person cannot reach true spiritual enlightenment without balancing and loving all the chakras. Therefor, the Middle East needs powerful love right now, not anger, fear or disappointment.
Besides, don't we all have internal conflict that needs healing and forgiveness?