With the New Year upon us, many people are feeling hopeful. Especially since the new year also happens to land upon a new moon this year. The angels tell me that 2014 will be quite eventful, not only for the world but for individual people and families.
They tell me that this will be the year of the Union of Opposites. Meanings that opposing forces are trying to come together and unify. It can also be termed "unifying polarities." Opposite forces will come together in a dance and attempt to develop a new and sustaining relationship with one another.
The totally of God is not just love and light. God is the complete and harmonious balance of all the elements of the Universe. The reason why we experience such drastic polarities on Earth is because the human race has broken down the elements of God and separated them out. This separation has gone on for a very long time, many generations, however, this separation has not always been here. There was once a bright age on Earth during which humans and God existed together harmoniously and all the Universal elements were balanced and unified. The beginning of the breakdown occurred during time of ancient Egypt when dark priests learned how to rule over the pharaohs.(For more information on this please read The Ringing Cedars of Russia books by Vladimir Megre).
Around the year 2000, the human race collectively agreed to return to this original balance and unification. That is one main reason why the world has seemed more violent and destructive the past 14 years is because we are swinging ourselves back into balance. The Light of Truth has been illuminating the darkness and bringing it to the surface, so the world has not become more violent, it's just that we are finally seeing things for how they've already been for generations, yet the truth was hidden beneath the surface.
In 2014 we will begin seeing and experiencing the re-Union of Opposites. Angel energy will begin blending together with darker energies in order to transform into something entirely new. This is true spiritual alchemy! Like turning lead into gold. Yes, this process can be tumultuous, however if we can stay open minded and go with the flow of life, instead of resisting, we will witness incredible miracles! Relationships with transform and become something new. Children will spontaneously invent and design new methods for living our lives. Political leaders will fall and rise as the Earth shifts into more balance. Leaders who have previously ruled without balance will find themselves out of the job and the people who never thought of themselves as important will rise to the position of leadership in our communities.
The illusion will be chaos, however the reality will be finding balance. Humans were not originally birthed to be separated from the planet or separated from Life Force. Humans are incredibly powerful beings, made in the image and likeness of God, and humans need to stop thinking that technology is the wave of the future, because all technology does is synthetically replace the abilities we already have: connection to all living things, the ability to think incredibly fast, telepathy, access to all of the information in the Universe, intuition, love, creativity. According to the angels, this is what we will begin to see in 2014.
Of course, technology is not a bad thing, it just needs to know it's place. As long as it's used in the spirit of love and sustaining Life Force, it's fine to use. But this is not how technology has been used by the majority of the world the past few generations. A garden is more powerful than a computer.