From my experiences, the spirit world has much more of an effect on us than we realize. We are constantly interacting with the spirit realm, like an invisible dance, whether we notice it or not. Because of this, it is important to increase our awareness and sensitivity so that we know what kind of spirits surround us. We also need to know the type of energy that resides in the land where we live. How many spirits from the past might be trapped in the old buildings around you? How many souls are wandering restless around your yard because their bodies were buried disrespectfully? Does anyone think about this, or pay attention to the energy of the land beneath their feet?
The spirit world has many layers. Most people transform into Light when they die and move on to what we call Heaven. They go through what I call the "spiritual spa experience" which is a deep cleansing and they are re-united with their whole and complete Self. However, some people fight the process of death and end up getting stuck. These stuck souls, or ghosts, are still a live, even though they have no heart beat. Their life force pales in comparison to a living, breathing body and sharp mind. A ghost's confused thoughts keep them alive and trapped in their old life. Usually they try to continue living as if they were still inside of a living body and wonder why they can't do the things that they used to do. Most of the time their emotions are strong. Grief, anger, fear and so on stays with the soul and re-plays in their thoughts over and over again like a tape recorder stuck on a continuous loop. These emotions and trapped thoughts get imprinted on the environment and can effect living people.
Ghosts can interfere with our emotions without us even realizing it. You might have a busy schedule planned for the day with a zillion things that need to get done, but a ghost has nothing else to do but wander around and try to get your attention. I strongly believe that if we take the time and help trapped souls move on to a better place, with brighter thoughts, then our individual consciousness will be freed up to expand and grow. I believe that once an entire area is cleared of old energies and trapped souls than an entire community will feel lighter and come together with more love and clear intentions.
Take the time to talk to the spirit realm. Ask your angels and guides to help you clear your home and yard. Talk, out loud, to any trapped souls in your area and let them know that there is a better place for them to reside, a place that wants them and is waiting for them to return to Love. Give ghosts permission to leave and let go of the old hurts, fears, pain and sorrow. Acknowledge their suffering while reminding them that there is no more room for their burden. It is time to lay down the burdens and move on to the family and friends waiting for them in the Light. And let them know that the spiritual spa experience is wonderful! All they have to do is agree to go. Angels can help them.
If you are dealing with any darker entities other than ghosts, there are other methods to use. But that will be a conversation for another post.
For more information about the spirit world or about my experiences with spirits, please enjoy my book A Higher Love: Walking a Profound Journey available on
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