The whole world is quite unstable right now. And the instability is intensifying. The energy of the planet is coming to a head. My spirit guides have advised me to stay out of it. They said to lay low, spend time with my family, don't get involved in political conversations, and keep my emotions calm.
The collective conscious of the human race is going through tremendous transformation right now and the people who cannot handle the swiftly changing energy will experience intense emotional ups and downs. They will make strange decisions and perhaps fall into a destructive life-path.
All of this is happening because the human race is being confronted with "waking up" and taking responsibility for itself. The dark forces have spent centuries subtly ruling this planet and that darkness is coming to the surface now for exposure. Since the dark forces don't want to be exposed, they plan to split the US into a civil war. Spiritually this has been going on for a long time and recently we have seen the first manifestations of this split via the Federal Government's inability to agree or balance the budget. All of this is just a show, however. They know exactly what they are doing. Their goal is to create fear and panic and cause people to lose their ability to THINK CLEARLY and realize what has been going on for generations. They are banking on out-of-control emotions. Once someone's emotions are out of control, that person becomes very easy to influence and manipulate.
The solution? Meditate. Stay grounded. Connect with nature. Eat healthy. Love your family. Slow down. Shut off the TV. Get off the computer and BE in the real world. This is a time to courageously embrace spirituality (which is not necessarily the same as religion) and simplify your life. Money is not God. It is only a tool and should be used as such.
This might sound crazy to some people, but since plants and trees are a part of Life Force, they can be used to heal and protect us. Connect with all that is Alive around you and ask the trees, the grass, the plants, the animals and so on to protect your well-being and your consciousness. Ask them to for a shield around you and your family and when you meditate, give them love and support in return. This will create a web of protection around you and those you love. This is a powerful aspect of God.
Love combined with human thought is the most powerful force in the Universe. Stay in the Space of Love and invite Love into your life. Invite Love into your home and into your awareness. Allow it to be with you and help you to wake up and truly recognize those who are trying to help you vs. those who are trying to do you harm. A true Space of Love grows from the inside and radiate out into the world like the sun. Shine on.
Many Blessings to you Fellow Travelers
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