You were born a whole and complete being. When your parents conceived you, they did not do it with the intention that you would be a failure for your entire life. They did not intend for you to live in fear, worry, anger or stress. Perhaps they made mistakes along the way with their parenting. Perhaps they were not perfect themselves... or, more accurately, they had forgotten that they were born whole, complete and perfect... just like you.
You were born a whole and complete being. And if you are not experiencing yourself as whole and complete, that is simply because your memory has faded and mis-perceptions got in the way. You were like the sun shining bright and full, and as you grew up, clouds got in the way of that sunlight. Those clouds are fears, defense mechanisms, worries, stresses, anger, feeling unloved, under valued and so on. These clouds started getting in the way at a very young age. Some of us have more clouds than others. But that still does not diminish the truth that you were born whole and complete and perfect.
I see that it is possible to begin blowing these clouds away. Some clouds are thick and seem stuck in place, yet they are not. Other clouds seem sneaky, intangible and elusive. Yet they too can be vaporized. All we have to do is being seeing ourselves for the truth, as whole and complete beings and realize that the clouds do not define who we are. This is possible. If we can stop identifying with the clouds and see them for what they are... things that cover up the sun... and begin recognizing our beautiful Inner Light, then we can begin finding freedom. Once we begin finding freedom, we find that we are able to move forward in life with emotional and mental agility and ease. We begin to see the Sunlight in other people. We begin to desire to know other people as the Sun that they are, not as the clouds with which they identify themselves. We desire to see other people as free... whole and complete. We call it forth from them. We bask in their Light instead of wallowing with them inside their thunderstorms. We share. We find generosity.
We begin Living once again...
As the whole and complete beings we are now, and always have been.
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