So many people want to know about aliens. Who are they and why are they here? The answers are more simple than you might realize. Some of the beings we call "aliens" are your very own ancestors. I prefer to call these beings "star beings."
How can they be our ancestors if they are from another planet? Because your ancestors were not simple-minded cave-dwellers who could barely rustle up enough brain power to rub sticks together to start a fire. Your ancestors were highly advanced, immensely intelligent people who lived closely with the Divine Creator. They lived in harmony with the earth and valued life instead of taking it. This information is in The Ringing Cedars of Russia books written by Vladimir Megre.
The books are worth the read, but to save you some time, I offer this simple glimpse into our True History as Divine Beings. We have been lied to about our origins. Our current culture is not the height of human development, in fact, technology is a sign of a diminishing intelligence and a disconnection from Source. Once the human race becomes dependent on technology, we stop thinking for ourselves and rely on some computer to think for us. In short, once we begin relying on the ideas of other people instead of cherishing our own, we are going downhill, and technology is "other people's ideas" and other people's way of living life. When you stop to think about it, you might begin to see how much of your time and mental energy goes into running someone else's system rather than designing and inventing your own way of being. And I believe that the true way of being is living in harmony with Source and Life, not with metal, plastic and fiber optics.
The true origins of the human race is pristine, whole and complete, fully aware, loving and intelligent beings who treasured the earth and all it's inhabitants as the direct results of the thoughts and intentions of God.
Your ancestors were so advanced that they knew how to leave the planet and extend their love throughout the cosmos. Thousands of years ago they figured out the secret (which is explained in the before mentioned book series) and they used Divine Thought to move themselves around the universe. They settled onto hospitable planets and began growing and expanding and building new communities with the same essence of the Divine Mind. This type of loving growth and expansion was a part of the Creator's plan (not killing each other off like what humans have been doing for generations).
Not all the creatures from other planets are on the earth with loving intentions. In fact, some of them have been down right nasty buggers. However, the good and loving beings who have been reaching out and contacting people on earth are usually reaching out to their own family members. These are families that have been created during back and forth travels through space... and when I say "space" I don't mean the huge night sky, I mean the quantum physics space of instant travel over long or short distances, the kind of space that bends over and across itself and allows for travel of all sorts. Our ancestors knew all about this. They knew more than we do now. And not only did they know about quantum physics, space and interstellar travel, they also knew about folk medicine, healing herbs, humanely raising animals and powerfully loving their children.
You might wonder: Then how did all of this knowledge get lost? The answer is in the Ringing Cedars of Russia books. But know that the downfall of the human race was intentional, systematic, cruel and unrelenting. The way the Bible teaches us that we now live in a fallen world... well, we do, and if we had any idea of how far we have fallen, everyone would go insane with grief. But instead of pondering what "could have been", take the time to free your mind, meditate daily, connect with God, know Who You Are and uncover your true skills and abilities. Live as a good steward of the earth and all it's inhabitants. Know that you have powerful ancestors out in the universe who are reaching out to you through your thoughts and feelings. They want you to Re-Member with them. They seek unity. And the more you know about yourself and your abilities as a Divine Child of God, the more you can hear them, see them and discover how deeply you are loved and cherished. It is much more difficult to control and lie to someone who deeply knows how much he is loved.
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