Our modern culture has made it a bad thing to be broken. Socially, it's a taboo to even talk about it outside of the privacy or your own home.
In the United States we are supposed to be strong, independent, capable, successful, and... alone. It's a do-it-yourself-or-die country. But this time of year, as we contemplate Jesus the Christ and the Christ Consciousness, we must remember that being "broken" is the ideal place to be. It not something to be ashamed of. So lets talk about it. Without being broken, God cannot enter our hearts, our minds or our lives. Being shattered into a million pieces is the only way for the Christ Consciousness to fill in the empty spaces and missing pieces of who we thought we were.
What does it mean to be broken? All that is broken is our ego, our belief systems, our identity, our stubbornness, our selfishness and more. These are things that NEED to be broken because ultimately they are dysfunctional. If we truly desire love, compassion, kindness, dignity and generosity, the above mentioned qualities do not serve us well. In fact, they hinder and destroy, and they keep us separate from God. Especially the "identity" part. If we identify with the outer world then we are doomed to be trapped by it. However, if we surrender our identity (who WE think we are) and ask God, "Show me who you'd have me be," then Divine Power resides and and a prayerful walk is inevitable.
I have been broken many times, and I am not ashamed of it. In fact, I wish I could talk about it more without the palpable discomfort from the person listening to me. My road has been tough, but I have learned to embrace the empty void of not knowing who I am or how my life is going to turn out. I have learned to embrace the times in my life when I didn't know where my next meal was coming from or how I would pay the bill that just arrived in the mail. I have learned that in those moments all I have to do is surrender to God and walk on beams of Light, not knowing how God will guide me moment to moment but trusting that the Guidance will take over. I ALLOW God to "show me" how to be a completely new person, a person full of grace. Because the person I used to be just wasn't serving me well. She was too scared and co-dependent, thinking she had to do it all on her own. I had to let her die. I gave her an honorable death and walked on.
I am curious, how have you been broken?
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