Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year 2015!

Once I gave in, gave up, and lowered my defenses, I allowed God to see into me, to see inside of me. And the more I allowed God to look, I realized that I have been made up of more pain than anything else, not just pain from recent events, but from my whole life, all the way down to early childhood. I realized that I have been keeping God from seeing that pain, thinking that I was protecting God from my ugly, dark secrets, but I was wrong. God sees it anyway. So once I opened up and surrendered and allowed God to fully enter my inner landscape and step inside of all that pain... do you know what happened? Suddenly I felt a whoosh of Unconditional Love rush towards me and through me. It raced into the dark, hidden crevasses of my heart and mind. God was not ashamed of me. God forgave me. God washed my insides clean. God freed me.
This has now become my regular mediation routine, to allow God to see into every tiny part of myself. The results? I have felt incredible! My dreams have been full of Light and empowerment! At random moments during the day I feel God's presence and know that I am ok. I always have been and I always will be.
The same goes for you.
Now, I have committed to God to move forward with this Light, to live with it and to share it. Because I clearly see it now: why else would we be here?
Happy New Year :)

Monday, December 1, 2014

Keep Your Heart Open to Everyone

This evening I had a beautiful angel reading with an amazing woman who lives in Brooklyn, New York.  And if you've been following my blog, you know how much I love to write about love.  It is something that fascinates me and I seek to learn as much as I can about how to works in our lives.
During this reading, this woman's angels began talking to her about keeping her heart open to everyone in her life.  At first, this information did not resonate with the woman because she immediate thought that love meant sexual/romantic realitionships and she didn't want to "keep her heart open" for that kind of relationship with everyone.  But here is what the angels said:

You are talking about two different things here.  Keeping your heart open, and sexual/romantic relationships are two different things.  When we say, "Keep your heart open to everyone," we are talking about a very high spiritual level of existence.  Imagine that you have died.  We know this sounds morbid right now, but play along... imagine that you have died, and you are in heaven meeting every single person you met during your life.  Imagine the joy and the relief of seeing them all again in such a healing space.  Now, imagine that you not only get to meet these people again and celebrate, but that you also get to say to them, "What did I contribute to your life because I lived with my heart open to you?  What were you able to accomplish simply because I refused to stop loving you?"
How would that conversation go?  What if people were able to say back to you, "All of my dreams came true because you refused to stop loving me!"  Or imagine people being able to say to you, "Your love gave me the strength and the perseverance to believe in myself and accomplish all of my goals."  What if everyone you encountered in heaven got to say to you, "Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!"
This is what "keeping your heart open to everyone" means when the angels say it to you.  It means that you let people go, you allow them to live their lives, you give them space, you never hold back and you believe in them so strongly that the Universe hears your call and follows your prayers immediately.  Keeping your heart open to everyone means giving them a chance to succeed whether you are there to share in the victory or not.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Are you an alien?

So many people want to know about aliens.  Who are they and why are they here?  The answers are more simple than you might realize.  Some of the beings we call "aliens" are your very own ancestors.  I prefer to call these beings "star beings."
How can they be our ancestors if they are from another planet?  Because your ancestors were not simple-minded cave-dwellers who could barely rustle up enough brain power to rub sticks together to start a fire.  Your ancestors were highly advanced, immensely intelligent people who lived closely with the Divine Creator.  They lived in harmony with the earth and valued life instead of taking it.  This information is in The Ringing Cedars of Russia books written by Vladimir Megre. 
The books are worth the read, but to save you some time, I offer this simple glimpse into our True History as Divine Beings.  We have been lied to about our origins.  Our current culture is not the height of human development, in fact, technology is a sign of a diminishing intelligence and a disconnection from Source.  Once the human race becomes dependent on technology, we stop thinking for ourselves and rely on some computer to think for us.  In short, once we begin relying on the ideas of other people instead of cherishing our own, we are going downhill, and technology is "other people's ideas" and other people's way of living life.  When you stop to think about it, you might begin to see how much of your time and mental energy goes into running someone else's system rather than designing and inventing your own way of being.  And I believe that the true way of being is living in harmony with Source and Life, not with metal, plastic and fiber optics.
The true origins of the human race is pristine, whole and complete, fully aware, loving and intelligent beings who treasured the earth and all it's inhabitants as the direct results of the thoughts and intentions of God.

Your ancestors were so advanced that they knew how to leave the planet and extend their love throughout the cosmos.  Thousands of years ago they figured out the secret (which is explained in the before mentioned book series) and they used Divine Thought to move themselves around the universe.  They settled onto hospitable planets and began growing and expanding and building new communities with the same essence of the Divine Mind.   This type of loving growth and expansion was a part of the Creator's plan (not killing each other off like what humans have been doing for generations).

Not all the creatures from other planets are on the earth with loving intentions.  In fact, some of them have been down right nasty buggers.  However, the good and loving beings who have been reaching out and contacting people on earth are usually reaching out to their own family members.  These are families that have been created during back and forth travels through space... and when I say "space" I don't mean the huge night sky, I mean the quantum physics space of instant travel over long or short distances, the kind of space that bends over and across itself and allows for travel of all sorts.  Our ancestors knew all about this.  They knew more than we do now.  And not only did they know about quantum physics, space and interstellar travel, they also knew about folk medicine, healing herbs, humanely raising animals and powerfully loving their children. 

You might wonder:  Then how did all of this knowledge get lost?  The answer is in the Ringing Cedars of Russia books.  But know that the downfall of the human race was intentional, systematic, cruel and unrelenting.  The way the Bible teaches us that we now live in a fallen world... well, we do, and if we had any idea of how far we have fallen, everyone would go insane with grief.  But instead of pondering what "could have been", take the time to free your mind, meditate daily, connect with God, know Who You Are and uncover your true skills and abilities.  Live as a good steward of the earth and all it's inhabitants.  Know that you have powerful ancestors out in the universe who are reaching out to you through your thoughts and feelings.  They want you to Re-Member with them.  They seek unity.  And the more you know about yourself and your abilities as a Divine Child of God, the more you can hear them, see them and discover how deeply you are loved and cherished.  It is much more difficult to control and lie to someone who deeply knows how much he is loved.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Dancing With Love

Today is November 11th.  11:11
This is a great day for manifestation because the 11:11 number represents portals, or gateways, to Heaven.  Today is a day to focus on what you wish to manifest in life.  Focus your thoughts on what you want and desire.  Also take the time to "feel" what you want.  The combination of thinking and feeling will bring about your desires more quickly.  
If you cannot feel what you want quite yet, then ask God or your angels to show you.  A very powerful prayer is: Show Me. 

Show Me how to bring more divine love into my life.
Show Me how to find the best job that aligns with my talents and abilities.
Show Me the most beautiful way for me to make money.
Show Me how to attract the love of my life.
Show Me how true happiness feels.
... and the prayers can go on and on.  Whatever works best for you.

I offer another thought about manifestation.  We must be responsible for what we wish to create in this world.  Just because we have the God-given ability to manifest our desires does not mean we get to go around calling forth whatever we want without consequences.
Consider a man who wishes to manifest a new car.  He thinks about his new car, he feels himself driving it, he imagines how other people will react when they see it and so on.  However, is that truly what he needs?  Cars require a lot of resources from the earth in order to be made and to run.  They require oil and gas/petrol and spew a lot of toxins into the air.  Is this really something we wish to be manifesting?  Therefor, ask yourself what it is that you really want.  If you truly need a car, than please make sure your ability to create is used wisely and call forth a car that is fuel efficient.  Also send blessings to everyone who built the car, along with their families, send blessings to all the people in the world who have had great ideas about how to make cars that don't require any oil or petrol.  Pray that those people's ideas are allowed to manifest and that soon you will be one of the first people who is able to financially support these inventors by buying one of their non-toxic vehicles.  
Or perhaps it is not a car you truly desire, perhaps it is the feeling of owning something new.  Or the desire to have your friends be envious of your wealth.  Dig deeply into your desire and know what it is you are craving.  Because if a man asks for a car, but what he really wants is acknowledgement and love, then his manifestation will cause destruction.  This man would benefit from knowing himself better and realizing that he is craving acknowledgement and love and ask God, "Show me how it feels to be powerfully acknowledged and deeply loved."  That is a prayer God would answer in a heart beat, literally.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Accepting the Inner Maddness

Today God taught me a beautiful lesson.  I would like to share it with you.  During a deep meditation, I came across a dark character inside of my subconscious mind.  It had the flavor of a nightmare, but I forced myself to look at it.  However, the more I focused on it, the more the darkness dissipated and my initial fear retreated.
This "character" was a trickster.  She had crazy hair and wild eyes.  But instead of shaking off her disturbing image as "not me" I embraced her.  She melted into my arms and compassion washed over me.  In that gentle moment of self-acceptance, God's Light flooded in and His Thoughts came to me, "Self-acceptance is the key to self-love."
Somehow I immediately remembered how much I hated myself when I was younger.  A rough childhood and stormy early adult years left me constantly feeling broken and unworthy.  I felt lost and out of control of my life.  However, instead of reaching for God, buckling down and healing old wounds, I chose to get married instead.  I thought, "Isn't it easier to focus on someone else rather than face the inner quagmire of self-hatred?"  In fact, I not only got married, I gave up myself completely and adopted the life style of my husband as to avoid looking at Who I Am.  I became the person he wanted me to be.  I surrendered my wisdom to his choices and decisions.  I abandoned myself to his future, instead of insisting on building my own.
By no means is this a criticism of him.  No!  He was running away from himself too, he just expressed it differently.
But today, in my meditation, God explained something extremely important.  God told me:  "Human-to-human love cannot be authentic until there is Love between God-to-human.
Until you know and understand Real Love from God, you cannot direct it towards another person. Instead, what you direct towards another person is need, not love. It might feel like love, but it's not... until, and unless, you allow it to come into you from God first."

Now, I will teach this to my children.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

A Message from God about Life and Death

Dear Friends,
Today I did a brief Shamanic journey with a skilled friend and during the journey, God's Light came into my thoughts and gave me a powerful message.
Many things have died in my life this year, as well as many new beginning have graced my space.  God said to me:

A part of spiritual mastery is being able to accept death.  This acceptance of death is a peaceful way of "being".  We need not push death away, ignore it, condemn nor reject it.  Once we can be in the space of accepting that everything dies eventually, then we can let go of expectations and allow new life to gently take over.  All death is an important component of a cycle, like night and day.  They work together harmoniously to bring life to one another.  Without the ending of day, we cannot experience the beauty of night, and without the rising of the sun to melt away the night, then we cannot be warmed and refreshed by the daylight.  This cycle brings forth the passage of time, for every night is different and every day is new.  They are never the exact same night and day.  This is because life grows during this cycle.  Every day brings new height to a baby tree and every night brings new new learning for a baby owl. 
All of death returns to life, maybe not in the exact same form, but it does return.
This, however, is not the same as killing.  Killing and murder are the forcing of death, which is an entirely different energy.  This energy does not spark growth nor love.
So allow yourself to sit quietly in the mist of an ending, a death, and allow the ashes to rain down upon you without trying to stop it, fix it or change it.  Just allow it to happen.  This allowance will cause the ashes to becomes seeds around you which will then grow into new life more swiftly than if you tried to control the process.  We cannot predict the exact nature of this new life, but by Being with it, you allow life to return effortlessly.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Surrendering to God

Surrendering to God seems easy, in theory.  The words sound pretty and the concept seems honorable and it makes us looks good to others.  We can say, "I've surrendered all of my problems to God."  This statement might make us seem open and pious, but does it really work that way?

Truly surrendering to God is not always easy.  It can be an agonizing process of breaking down the ego and admitting that we don't have all the answers.

And what does it mean to truly surrender to God anyway?

Surrender is reaching inside of ourselves to bring the Light of God into those dark places, the ones that are deeply hidden away from the rest of the world.  Surrender is showing God our guilt, shame, ugliness and mistakes.  It is admitting to God that not every part of ourselves is love and that not every thought in our mind is pleasant.  Surrender is letting God see Who We Are all the way through and allowing God to cleanse us with warmth and Light. 
Surrender is allowing God to take over a situation and committing to avoid complaint about the result. 

True surrender can be quite scary!  We don't know the outcome and we cannot predict where we will end up.  Yet there is massive beauty here too.  It is like throwing ourselves into a river and trusting that the rushing waters will somehow know us and take care of our well-being.  Trusting God is also loving God.  It is the ultimate love for God.  This is because God is our Co-Creator.  God is our best friend.  God knows our soul and ignores the ego-mind that just wants to fight and be right all the time.  Surrendering to God is admitting that we don't have all the answers and don't know the solutions and are asking for our Friend to step in and remind us that we are human.

Surrendering to God is Love.  And Love is what is scary.  This is because True Love is not passive.  It is highly potent and calls us powerfully into action.  Love is action.  Love is movement.  Love is speaking up for the weak and having compassion for the guilt, shame, ugliness and mistakes.  Love is accepting the truth.  Love is reaching out and making contact with the world and offering only good and peace.  Love is stepping out of our comfort zone and being of service to others.  Love is creating an environment around us that is strong and healthy.  Love is making a contribution to the world... and most of us are too lazy to do this.  And this is why surrender can be scary, because it requires more of us than we are used to giving.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Creating Change in Our Lives

Recently I received a beautiful message from my angels.  They taught me that there are only two ways to change things in our lives:  death or birth.

They went on to explain that all of us go through times in our lives when it seems like everything is changing. Or we run up against times in our lives when everything needs to change.  Relationships end, jobs come and go, children grow up, or we need to move to a new city.  During these times, we have a clear and distinct choice, we can either pull out our sword, start swinging destructively and chop portions of our life to pieces, or we can choose re-birth. 

Re-birth takes longer.  It can be more painful.  It can be more challenging and cause us to look at ourselves in depth.  It requires patience.

Death, on the other hand, is immediate, but it is also permanent.  There is no going back and killing off relationships or situations in our lives can cause a ripple effect of destruction.  It can leave other people deeply hurt and confused.  There is the expression "burning bridges" and this is what my angels were talking about: complete destruction instead of transformation and re-birth.

Re-birthing ourselves in our lives can be tough at first, yet it has the most powerful and beautiful rewards.  We become whole new people.  We begin a whole new life.  In fact, we earn the ability to "give life" to every corner of our lives.  This is called Inspiration, which means: to breath life into a relationship, and idea or a situation.

But burning bridges leaves nothing but ashes and there is a high price to pay for leaving people hurt and feeling destroyed.

The angels also told me about giving life to Love so that Love gives Life to you.  Choose the path of Love.  Sure it can be tougher sometimes, yet it opens up possibilities instead of crushing them.  There might not be immediate gratification, but there will be miracles. 

And if you find yourself in the place of needing to let go of a relationship or a situation, consider doing it with Love and grace.  Give everyone involved dignity instead of pain.  Proverbial blood is not the pathway to God, only Love lines that road.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Digesting Emotions

My 13 year old son has been going through a lot of change and turmoil in his life.  He is entering the age of trying to figure out how to navigate through tough emotions and challenging situations.  Someone close to him suggested that it is bad to talk about his emotions.  This confused him.  He was upset with me because I have always taught him that talking about emotions and feelings is how we process and heal.  I told him the contrary was true, that by avoiding emotions, they get stuffed down inside our body and this causes sickness and depression. 

I sat my son down and told him that talking about our feelings is healthy.  I told him that the way we heal is through conversation.  Conversation is how we connect to those we love and is a powerful way to let another person know that we care about him or her.  Once we speak our thoughts and feelings into the Universe, then we have room to either embrace them or transform them.  This process does not have to be scary or bad.  In fact, it is empowering and full of self-care.  The key here is not to "fear" our emotions.  Even the tough or uncomfortable emotions and feelings need to be digested and understood in order to give us the freedom to move forward, lest we get stuck in one particular emotion and end up wallowing in it for days, months or even years.  True pain comes from not feeling empowered within ourselves and not giving ourselves the space to feel.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Releasing the Inner Child

Sometimes the inner child just needs love and acknowledgment.  By taking the time to meditate, we can give  our inner child permission to speak and to be heard.  As adults, we need to allow the past traumas to heal by guiding our inner child into the light. S/he has been hiding away from monsters far too long.  Lovingly let her know that the monsters are gone now and that she can come out to radiate her brilliance and empower her to grow up and be a strong adult.  Believe me, she is tired of hiding.  She needs to take your hand and know the sensations of comfort and safety.  Let her cry.  Allow her to be angry or frightened, but also allow her to heal and stand up tall.  S/he is your powerful ally and she needs you to be her hero.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Thoughts for the Day

Today I had a conversation with a beautiful woman who needed some advice from the Higher Beings of Light.  The messages that came through were amazing and peaceful so I would like to share some of the information with you.

Trust your inside world, it's not empty, get to know who you are all the way in there and allow the Divine to be in that space with you.  Show the Divine around your insides and invite that energy to be a part of your personal space.

Many people don't feel worthy enough or valuable enough to have a true and deep connection with Source.  Organized religion teaches that humans are "less than" Source and can never live up to the glory of God.  However, God is the one who gave birth to us. Therefor, you are not "unworthy".  You are the child of God, whole and complete.  And by simply seeking to know God on a more intimate level proves that you are worthy, otherwise you would not bother to seek. 

Your words and actions stem from what you are "being".  Therefor, if you are being confused in your life, then your words and actions will be confused.

Spirituality is the basis for our entire lives.  All problems begin with spiritual problems.  So, when you're spiritually ok, then everything else in your life tends to be ok.

Sometimes when we go through a lot of pain in our lives, it can bring us down and make us feel less connected to Source.  We might feel like we've lost something in our spirituality.  However, consider that this feeling is only a loss of innocence, not a loss of spiritual connection.  Ask yourself, "Can you still embrace your love for God even with your pain?  Can you embrace the hard times and move from innocence into wisdom?"  Pain and hard times bring us from innocence to wisdom to teaching.

You have inner magic!  Your larger Self and larger visions and dreams are real.  They do exist, you just have to weave them into your day to day life.  God needs to know that you can maintain your spiritual self during the hard, monotonous times, not just the easy times, in order for your larger dreams to manifest.

A powerful prayer:  Show me how to get from where I am to where I want to be.

Surrender thinking that you know the answers, then ask God to show you the answers.  When we think we are "in the know," this can be a blockage to actually learning what it is we really want to know.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Please Welcome Me

My femininity has been drained trying to survive. She is exhausted to the point of being almost non-existent. Now I am remembering she is there. She has been deeply ignored and lonely and craving acknowledgement. She wants love and joy. She has survived. She has done well. Now she wants to create. She wants to thrive and to dance. She was born this way! The spirit world is familiar and angels are natural. But where did she go? How did I loose her so profoundly? It was because I chose to take care of a man's needs over my own. A father, boyfriends and now a husband. I thought this was love, but now I see it was the opposite of love. It was destruction. I nearly destroyed myself. But I'm coming back now... slow and steady. I finally give myself space to grow rather than constantly trying to be everything to him. Time to thrive. Please welcome me.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Exchanging a gift for a spiritual service

I have had a few people in the past comment that they don't think I should charge money for the readings I do or the classes I teach.  Believe me, I do understand these thoughts.  There have been times in my past when I deeply needed help from a healer or a psychic, yet that person would not work with me because I didn't have the money.  These situations left a bad taste in my mouth.  I thought, at the time, "How can you have such an amazing gift and not share it with the people who REALLY need it instead of just the people who have money?"

By the way, I do offer my work to people who don't have the money, all they have to do is communicate their financial situation to me.  This takes courage, I know, and that courage is the first step in taking responsibility for oneself.

Over the years, I have witnessed an interesting phenomenon, which is that when a person offers nothing for  a reading or a healing, (money or a gift) then they tend to not take the teaching as seriously.  It seems that receiving a service for free means, to some people, that the result is not as valuable.  Receiving a service for free is a passive experience.  It tends to be like sitting back and watching a movie.  There is not much involvement and little desire to take responsibility for one's own healing and growth.  Whereas offering money or a gift for a service, is taking action.  It is getting directly involved in the result of the reading/healing and letting the Universe know that you are taking matters into your own hands.  In other words: responsibility.

So when you want a service from someone such as a psychic, healers, medicine person and so on, and you don't have the money, then always offer a gift.  Show some respect for that person's knowledge and life experiences.  Consider what that person has gone through in order to receive his or her knowledge.  Consider what it took in order for that person to rise the position of teacher/healer/guide.  Because someone who did not put in the time and effort is not worth the money anyway!

Expecting something for free only cheapens the outcome.  Whereas taking action, taking responsibility and stepping up to the plate honors everyone involved.  Prove that the wisdom and knowledge that comes your way will not go to waste with you.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Introduction to my new book

Dear Friends, please enjoy the introduction to my new book: Dancing with the Dream Deva. Currently it is available at  However, in February it will be available on Amazon and Kindle.  
This book deals with some controversial subjects and is suited for open-minded people who enjoy self-exploration and spirituality.
“The sun may set on another day
and my life begins as I dream away…”

As I was cleaning out my closet one afternoon, intending to throw away old papers, outdated documents and useless notebooks, I came across my long forgotten dream journals.  I sat down and thumbed through the tattered and yellowing pages surprised to see the span of dates range from sixteen years old to around the age of 35.  After perusing through all five of the journals, I gasped to myself, “Twenty years worth of dreams… Wow!”  Not everyone can boast that.  Naturally, the next step was to read the entries from so long ago, however, my hands trembled.  Old emotions flooded back to me. 
For most of my childhood, I had experienced frightful nightmares and hauntingly eerie dreams.  Now, as a seasoned adult, I noticed a reluctance to re-visit those memories.  I feared the return of those old familiar anxieties.  However, knowing that a closed mind never grows, a blooming curiosity got the best of me.  That evening, I snuggled into bed with my reading lamp on and began pouring through the twenty years worth of dreams.  I was stunned.  The dreams were intense, yes, but also amazingly beautiful!  Not only because the dreams once belonged to an aspect of my youth, but because they expressed a vast and imaginative wisdom of the subconscious mind.  Even the darker and more haunting dreams in my journals were rich with powerful images and creative characters.  At the time of writing the entries, I thought the nightmares had been conjured up by my Dream Self (the Dream Deva) in order to scare and harass me.  I thought she was out to get me.  In fact, I grew up feeling resentment towards my subconscious mind.  I didn’t like her at all!  I viewed the Dream Deva as evil and twisted, something from which to run, from which to hide, and to avoid.  I grew up with anger towards myself.  Eventually that anger settled into ugly daily thoughts about who I am. 
However, twenty years later, I was awestruck to realize the truth.  I realized that the darker dreams from my youth had served a clear and distinct purpose.  They were actually helping me to process pain.  They were, slowly, step by step, moving me towards self acceptance, self love and a profound spiritual identity.  The Dream Deva, or my subconscious mind, was not trying to harm me, she was trying to save me!  I only wish I had enough maturity at the time to have understood the importance of this growth.  However, my subconscious mind understood everything the whole time.
There are countless books available that discuss the meanings and purpose of dreams.  The subject has been studied and researched for thousands of years.  Any indigenous person can tell you that dreams have been regarded as important sacred tools for generations.  Dreams have been known to diagnose illnesses, predict the future and solve large or small daily problems.  In order to begin working with our dreams, some authors and researchers have suggested using a dream dictionary in order to decipher the meaning of symbols in dreams.  This might work well for beginners, however it’s not for everyone.  In the midst of my dream struggles as a teenager, I ran out and bought myself a dream dictionary, a rather good one, yet it didn’t quite work.  This, of course, wasn’t the book’s fault!  I found that reading someone else’s interpretation for an element in one of my dreams didn’t help me deal with the overwhelming emotions and psychological issues that I was dealing with on a subconscious level.  Naively I assumed that by knowing what a symbol meant I would suddenly understand myself better, and this was far from the truth.  Frustration swelled.  Eventually I gave up on the dream dictionary altogether thinking that it was just, “Stupid.”  What I didn’t realize at the time was that I needed a psychologist, or a spiritual teacher, not just a dream dictionary.  I needed serious help sorting myself out, not just a book that told me what a “table” or a “bunny” might have meant in a dream.  The issue was much larger, life sized in fact, and my inner Dream Deva was tapping on my conscious mind trying to get my attention.  
This is the case for everyone.  The Dream Deva wants to let us know that we are not losers or no-bodies.  She wants to help us realize that we are fully-functioning, powerful human beings with the ability to create whole new worlds.  She also wants to helps us process through abuse, fear, anxieties, anger or crippling sadness.  This processing can only happen at night, once we shut away the outside world, lower our defenses and sink deep within the self.
Dreams are the process of self healing at it’s finest.
As an adult, once I found my dream journals again and read through the many entries back to back, I suddenly “got it.”  The value and purpose of the dream world as a whole dawned on me (no pun intended).  And here is the secret: the messages from dreams are not only contained within each individual dream, but strongly come through as a whole package.  The dream journals as a whole are the message, the way individual brush strokes eventually blend together to form a masterpiece painting.  We need to understand ourselves on a larger scale, instead of simply trying to interpret the individual dreams one at a time.  This is one reason why loyally keeping a dream journal is vital for dream exploration.  It is like piecing together your own dream dictionary.  It is self discovery, self exploration, as well as a commitment to the self.  And once this commitment is recognized by the subconscious mind, it will respond.  It will begin to speak more clearly and reveal more wisdom.  The Dream Deva will peek out of the darkness and graciously unwind herself.
Immediately, sitting on my bedroom floor with the journals spread out around me like snowflakes, I knew that I wanted to share my dream journals with as many people as possible.  I wanted to share the healing and the potential.  I saw not only myself, but the entire human race; the wisdom, the humor, the insight, the beauty and the spiritual evolution.  “People need to see this wonderment!”  I thought to myself, “Everyone is this deep and this brilliant!  Everyone has this fertile soil of creativity!” 
What would happen if we all tapped into it?  What would happen if we ceased living on the surface of reality, just for a little while, and glimpsed our Deeper Genius?  What if we soared through our souls like the Great Eagle who flies above the land and sees everything that is hidden from mundane lives?  What else might be buried deep within the subconscious mind of the human race?  Ancient memories?  Past lives?  The knowledge of how to live in harmony with Earth?  Folk medicine?  True love?
I decided to publish my dream journals in order to help people connect with their own depth and creativity, to entertain and to assist people in appreciating the larger part of themselves with love and fascination. 
Other realizations that came to me from my journals were: the language of dreams, the structure of dreams and how to generate uplifting dreams for anyone who might be plagued with nightmares.  I also learned how to program the subconscious mind to answer specific questions.  This and more I will share in Chapter One: Dream Awareness.  After that, Chapter Two: Memories of Jane begins the best entries from my actual dream journals.  At the end of the entries, in Section Three, I offer a brief analysis of each dream so that anyone can benefit from the messages contained within.
#1: What I learned about dreams from my own journals.
#2: Fifteen entries from my dream journals.
#3: Brief analysis’s of each dream from the journal.

The dreams are organized in order of dark themes to light, however they do not have to be read in order.  Perhaps one dream might speak to you more profoundly than another.  Also, some of the subject matters are controversial and might ruffle some feathers.  If intense emotions arise after reading a dream or two, please give yourself time to process.  Work through the emotions and heal any buttons that might have been pushed.  Feeling confused is a sign of transformation.  It indicates that old belief systems are being left behind while the breakthrough realizations have not quite happened yet.  Just keep going and trust that you will understand the messages down the road.
Perhaps your own Dream Deva is trying to awaken.  Perhaps she is inviting you to dance.  Allow your feelings to find her.  She is a kind and gentle soul, with burst of wild energy, wind in her hair and a fearless disposition.  She has the courage to face uncomfortable issues.  In fact, the only thing that seems to irritate her is apathy. 
A Navajo medicine woman named Ellouise once told me that dreams are highly sacred.  She said that dreams should only be shared in a Sacred Space and only with people who will be respectful to the images and messages contained within the dreams.  I’m sure Ellouise would not approve of me sharing my dream journal publicly in the form of this book.  Therefore, I declare this book to be a Sacred Space.  I ask anyone who reads it to be mindful of the messages and knowledge contained within these pages.  Please learn what you can from my dreams, enjoy yourself and use this book as an invitation to dive into your own dream world.  I am willing to bet that your dreams are just as amazing as mine.  I bet they are entertaining, fun, eerie and beautiful.  And I bet they are pointing you in the right direction as long as you pay attention and listen to their messages.
Enjoy dancing with the Dream Deva!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

You were born a whole and complete being.

You were born a whole and complete being.  When your parents conceived you, they did not do it with the intention that you would be a failure for your entire life.  They did not intend for you to live in fear, worry, anger or stress.  Perhaps they made mistakes along the way with their parenting.  Perhaps they were not perfect themselves... or, more accurately, they had forgotten that they were born whole, complete and perfect... just like you.

You were born a whole and complete being.  And if you are not experiencing yourself as whole and complete, that is simply because your memory has faded and mis-perceptions got in the way.  You were like the sun shining bright and full, and as you grew up, clouds got in the way of that sunlight.  Those clouds are fears, defense mechanisms, worries, stresses, anger, feeling unloved, under valued and so on.  These clouds started getting in the way at a very young age.  Some of us have more clouds than others.  But that still does not diminish the truth that you were born whole and complete and perfect.

I see that it is possible to begin blowing these clouds away.  Some clouds are thick and seem stuck in place, yet they are not.  Other clouds seem sneaky, intangible and elusive.  Yet they too can be vaporized.  All we have to do is being seeing ourselves for the truth, as whole and complete beings and realize that the clouds do not define who we are.  This is possible.  If we can stop identifying with the clouds and see them for what they are... things that cover up the sun... and begin recognizing our beautiful Inner Light, then we can begin finding freedom.  Once we begin finding freedom, we find that we are able to move forward in life with emotional and mental agility and ease.  We begin to see the Sunlight in other people.  We begin to desire to know other people as the Sun that they are, not as the clouds with which they identify themselves.  We desire to see other people as free... whole and complete.  We call it forth from them.  We bask in their Light instead of wallowing with them inside their thunderstorms.  We share.  We find generosity. 

We begin Living once again...
As the whole and complete beings we are now, and always have been.