Saturday, December 29, 2012

Dawning of a New Age

Since the end of the Mayan Calendar this past December 2012, people are awaiting the dawn of a new age of enlightenment for the human race.  This new enlightenment and awareness is rising up from within our souls and causing us to view our lives differently.  We are taking stalk of what works and what does not work.  We are cleaning out the proverbial closet and day-dreaming about new ways in which our lives can function with more love and possibility, while also expecting the same kind of awareness to embrace our world leaders.  This struggle of "awakening" within world leaders is event all over the world, especially in Egypt, Syria, Pakistan and the United States.

Part of this "new age" awakening is the rekindling of the Divine Feminine.  There is a strong female energy rising up from the Earth.  She has been suppressed for thousands of years and now her creativity, sense of unity and community is permeating our hearts.  She is asking us to begin looking around and taking care of each other.  She is asking us to stop honoring the separated ego and use our resources for the benefit of All instead of just a select few.  She is asking us to begin feeling, paying attention and respecting all of Life Force.  For some people, this will be challenging.  Anyone who has had problems with female energy or with women in general (women can have problems with feminine energy too) will find themselves confronted with their dislike, misunderstanding or flat out hatred of the Divine Feminine.  No one is immune.  We all have to examine how and why our world has been out of balance for so long.  We all have to explore the part of ourselves that was left behind and left for dead.

Another aspect of this New Energy is that the veil between the spirit world and the physical world is thinning.  This means that communicating with our ancestors and deceased friends and relatives will become easier.  People will begin seeing angels and spirit guides effortlessly.  We will begin receiving messages from the spirit world and connecting with our animal totems.  This connection will create healing, unity and forgiveness... in other words:  coming together which is the essence of the Divine Feminine.  The living and the deceased can rekindle relationships and learn from each others experiences. 

By no means does this imply the end of turmoil.  In fact, the turmoil of our economy and individual people who are expressing great pain will become more prevalent.  The violence is not over simply because violence has been such a powerful communication tool for so long.  It is time for us to learn a new language and that language is love.  However, learning a new language takes time.  This process begins at home and begins inside each and every one of us.  We need to begin using the language of love within ourselves in order for the violence around the world to subside.  No more beating ourselves up.  No more destructive inner dialogue.  No more treating ourselves badly.  Each and every one of us is a Divine creation of God.  We are the Children of God and it's high time we begin to live up to our True Lineage.  This is not an arrogant thing to do, it's an honest thing to do.  Do you want your own children to live their lives in silent misery thinking that they are not important or valued or loved?  Hopefully the answer is no.  Well, God is the same way.  God did not birth the human race in order for us to be miserable, worried, stressed out, in pain, hungry, violent and so on.  God wants His children to experience outrageous joy, creativity, unity and possibility.  God gave us Life and the dawning of this new age is about embracing Life instead of destroying it.  I don't know about you, but I am excited to see what happens when we all begin truly Living!

Our world leaders will understand this eventually.  They will get love on a collective scale after we process love in an individual scale.  We need to be leaders for our leaders.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

5 Priorities for Spiritual Health

I met a woman in a metaphysical shop who was searching for a “love” spell that would keep her boyfriend from cheating on her.  When I casually asked about the situation, she told me that he had been cheating on her for six years and kept leaving her for this other woman.  “But at least he comes back,” she said with a faint, yet relieved smile.  She wore large glasses that hid her face and her shoulders were tight and hunched forward.  Turtling, I’ve heard it called, trying to hide inside one’s shell.  I could easily see the dark loneliness in her heart chakra and I wanted to dunk her in a hot springs just to cleanse off her weariness.  I suggested that she buy a love candle for herself.  She looked confused.  I continued, “Don’t forget to love yourself in the process.  That’s more important than some guy.”  She quickly cut me off, “I know.  I know.   I’ve heard all this… but I just gotta get him to stay with me and then everything will be fine.”  She spent $50 buying candles, crystals and a love spell kit to keep this man from leaving her. 
This woman’s spiritual health was at zero, she was putting herself in the background of her own life and expecting someone else (who probably abandoned himself too) to fulfill her needs.  Instead, I suggested new priorities. 
Priority number one:  The relationship with God/Source. 
#2: The relationship with Self. 
#3: Family. 
#4: Livelihood. 
#5: Community.
The flavor of our relationship with God/Source affects all the other areas of our lives.  This relationship needs to be at the top of our priority list.  If this relationship is authentic, loving and trustworthy, then the other areas of our lives will be the same.  Once our relationship with Source is strong, then we can move on to the relationship we have with Self.  Self trust is vital for a successful life.  It also gives us integrity, spiritual backbone, fluidity and highly accurate intuition.  With a solid sense of self, we have something of value to offer a family.  Once the family is mentally and emotionally thriving, then we have the power and energy needed to develop a bountiful livelihood.  Once our income is secure, we can relax enough to focus our thoughts and hearts on building a cohesive and joyful community.
If one of these elements breaks down, the solution is to go back up the priority ladder.  Family problems indicate a need to re-examine the relationship we have with the Self.  Low self esteem, depression and/or anxiety indicate a need to step back and re-examine the relationship we have with Source.  An individual will not be wholly effective in contributing to a community if his business is failing or her family is unraveling.  The five priorities work together harmoniously and lead us down a path towards awareness, inner peace, stamina, wisdom and joy.  In other words:  Spiritual Health.