Monday, December 30, 2013

Energetic Patterns of 2014

With the New Year upon us, many people are feeling hopeful.  Especially since the new year also happens to land upon a new moon this year.  The angels tell me that 2014 will be quite eventful, not only for the world but for individual people and families.

They tell me that this will be the year of the Union of Opposites.  Meanings that opposing forces are trying to come together and unify.  It can also be termed "unifying polarities."  Opposite forces will come together in a dance and attempt to develop a new and sustaining relationship with one another.

The totally of God is not just love and light.  God is the complete and harmonious balance of all the elements of the Universe.  The reason why we experience such drastic polarities on Earth is because the human race has broken down the elements of God and separated them out.  This separation has gone on for a very long time, many generations, however, this separation has not always been here.  There was once a bright age on Earth during which humans and God existed together harmoniously and all the Universal elements were balanced and unified.  The beginning of the breakdown occurred during time of ancient Egypt when dark priests learned how to rule over the pharaohs.(For more information on this please read The Ringing Cedars of Russia books by Vladimir Megre).

Around the year 2000, the human race collectively agreed to return to this original balance and unification.  That is one main reason why the world has seemed more violent and destructive the past 14 years is because we are swinging ourselves back into balance.  The Light of Truth has been illuminating the darkness and bringing it to the surface, so the world has not become more violent, it's just that we are finally seeing things for how they've already been for generations, yet the truth was hidden beneath the surface.

In 2014 we will begin seeing and experiencing the re-Union of Opposites.  Angel energy will begin blending together with darker energies in order to transform into something entirely new.  This is true spiritual alchemy!  Like turning lead into gold.  Yes, this process can be tumultuous, however if we can stay open minded and go with the flow of life, instead of resisting, we will witness incredible miracles!  Relationships with transform and become something new.  Children will spontaneously invent and design new methods for living our lives.  Political leaders will fall and rise as the Earth shifts into more balance.  Leaders who have previously ruled without balance will find themselves out of the job and the people who never thought of themselves as important will rise to the position of leadership in our communities.

The illusion will be chaos, however the reality will be finding balance.  Humans were not originally birthed to be separated from the planet or separated from Life Force.  Humans are incredibly powerful beings, made in the image and likeness of God, and humans need to stop thinking that technology is the wave of the future, because all technology does is synthetically replace the abilities we already have: connection to all living things, the ability to think incredibly fast, telepathy, access to all of the information in the Universe, intuition, love, creativity.  According to the angels, this is what we will begin to see in 2014.
Of course, technology is not a bad thing, it just needs to know it's place.  As long as it's used in the spirit of love and sustaining Life Force, it's fine to use.  But this is not how technology has been used by the majority of the world the past few generations.  A garden is more powerful than a computer.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

An angel's notes about Self Love

Once again the angels address the concept of Self Love.  I know it's tough for a lot of people. This information is included in one of my books.

The feeling and sensation of loving the self is a process.  And in order for that process to begin, you have to want it.  The desire to know yourself and love who you are needs to be there.  The desire opens doorways to the experience.  The next thing is to accept yourself as you are.  No looking at yourself through rose-colored glasses.  You need to be clear about what’s going on right now in order to begin to love it.  Accept-appreciate-love; those are the steps. 

Many people were raised with the belief that loving yourself is a sin and a very bad thing because it means you are arrogant or conceited.  This thinking is backwards.  True love is not conceit, it is humble and grateful, innocent and embracing.  There is nothing wrong with feeling this way about yourself.  If we feel this way towards our children, our pets, friends or family, why not feel it towards ourselves?  Love is spiritual and love is what brought you here.  It’s ok to participate in it.

Accept the love that brought you here.

By loving yourself, you cause more loved to exist in the world.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Intimacy without Sex

Dear Friends,
I had two amazing angel readings in a row that brought up a powerful issue for some people and I would like to share with you some of the advice that the angels gave.

Building an intimate relationship with our life partner can be more difficult than anyone realizes.  Intimacy is our core-self and allowing another person into that vulnerable space can be frightening.  Especially when we've experienced any type of abuse from childhood or if we have deep seated fears or abandonment issues.  However, allowing the person we love to get to know us at a core level is one of the most profound ways to begin building a powerful relationship based on love and trust.

One of the misconceptions in our society is that sex is the method for being intimate with our life partner.  However, sex is also greatly misunderstood in our culture.  Sex is often used as a tool for manipulation, a tool for power struggles, for avoidance and a tool to simply experience physical relief.  None of these elements of sex have anything to do with love.  Nor do they cause healing.  In fact, manipulation, power struggles and pure physical satisfaction cause degradation of Love.

Consider that love is a living, breathing being.  It is an intelligence in the Universe.  It is a consciousness that can choose whether or not it wants to be with us.  If someone lives a destructive lifye-style than naturally Love would not want to be with that person.  If someone's home is full of sadness or fear, then Love would not want to live in that home.  What we need to do for ourselves is develop a relationship with Love itself before we engage in trying to love other people, or ask them to love us.  We need to invite Love into our lives and get to know it before we can share it with another person.

Especially in troubled relationships, ask yourself, "Do I have a strong and trustworthy relationship with Love?"  If the answer is no, then that could be one of the main reasons for the troubles in a relationship.

Yes, the responsibility lies on you!  Both parties are 100% responsible for the health of the relationship.  It's not 50/50, it's 100/100.  (And if only one partner is attempting to establish health, love and well being in the  relationship, then the whole thing won't work.)

Once trust is established with Love itself, then we can reach out to others.  We find that we have more to offer our soul mate than just mechanized sex.  Our proverbial cup is full and we find that we have something of tremendous value to offer.  We can offer healing, listening, joy, playfulness, growth and so on.  Once our own core-self is filled with the Energy of Love it can begin to heal and intimacy can be offered fully and completely.  We can share our core-self with our life partner on many different levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.  The friendship can be deeper, the trust can be more fulfilling and, yes, eventually when we share the Energy of Love through sex, the sex will be better.  Without the Soul and the Energy of Love, sex is only a fleeting sensation.  It is only immediate gratification.  It can become an addiction.  However, with the Energy of Love present, sex is truly creative.  It is life changing.  It heals.  It transforms.  It generates Life Force and opens up the soul.  It utilizes all the chakras of the body instead of just the first two.

But in order for sex to be this wonderful, we first need to share our souls.  We need to share our emotions, our feelings and open up to Love.  We need awareness of Who We Are and what we're doing in life.  

We need intimacy with the Self first, and in order to get this, we need a strong relationship with the Energy of Love.  

When my daughter was 7 years old, she told me that Love was a true being and that Love was God's wife.  My daughter said that without Love, God could not create.  She said that God and Love are forever soul mates.  How profoundly correct she was!  Without Love, Life is empty.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

God is Light

Every day we are surrounded by light.  It radiates from the sun, along with warmth.  God's thought ride these waves of light and just like light, God thoughts surround us daily.  Even a blind person who cannot see the light, can feel the warmth and receive the gentle thoughts of the Creator.  These Thoughts flow into the body, mind and heart. 
Light gives life to everything on the planet.  Without the sun, there would be no life.  But life does not blossom simply from the sun alone.  This is because Life is  not an accident.  It is intentional. 
Great Spirit breathed Life into us all.  Great Spirit is Life itself.  And without the Love of the Creator, there would be no light in the first place, nor would there be life.
Love creates light.
Light keeps us alive. 
Love is what sustains life on this planet.

To honor this process, and the Thoughts of God contained within Light, I have created a new book called The LightSource.  It is a photography book that also contains short stories about Great Spirit.  Please check it out at:

Blessings to you All.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Light-based Quantum Physics

There is a huge difference between "being a stand" for the Light vs. "fighting" the dark forces.  Being a stand for something is empowering.  But when we fight against something it actually causes that thing to exist.  This is because in order for us to  fight, or "be" combative, we must call forth an enemy.  It's as if we decide to push down a wall.  Well, in order to do this we must first create the existence of walls.  Being a stand for the Light does not require the existence of darkness, where as standing against darkness requires the existence of darkness.

Friday, October 4, 2013

The Intense Planetary Energy

The whole world is quite unstable right now.  And the instability is intensifying.  The energy of the planet is coming to a head.  My spirit guides have advised me to stay out of it.  They said to lay low, spend time with my family, don't get involved in political conversations, and keep my emotions calm. 

The collective conscious of the human race is going through tremendous transformation right now and the people who cannot handle the swiftly changing energy will experience intense emotional ups and downs.  They will make strange decisions and perhaps fall into a destructive life-path.  

All of this is happening because the human race is being confronted with "waking up" and taking responsibility for itself.  The dark forces have spent centuries subtly ruling this planet and that darkness is coming to the surface now for exposure.  Since the dark forces don't want to be exposed, they plan to split the US into a civil war.  Spiritually this has been going on for a long time and recently we have seen the first manifestations of this split via the Federal Government's inability to agree or balance the budget.  All of this is just a show, however.  They know exactly what they are doing.  Their goal is to create fear and panic and cause people to lose their ability to THINK CLEARLY and realize what has been going on for generations.  They are banking on out-of-control emotions.  Once someone's emotions are out of control, that person becomes very easy to influence and manipulate.

The solution?  Meditate.  Stay grounded.  Connect with nature.  Eat healthy. Love your family.  Slow down.  Shut off the TV.  Get off the computer and BE in the real world.  This is a time to courageously embrace spirituality (which is not necessarily the same as religion) and simplify your life.  Money is not God.  It is only a tool and should be used as such. 

This might sound crazy to some people, but since plants and trees are a part of Life Force, they can be used to heal and protect us.  Connect with all that is Alive around you and ask the trees, the grass, the plants, the animals and so on to protect your well-being and your consciousness.  Ask them to for a shield around you and your family and when you meditate, give them love and support in return.  This will create a web of protection around you and those you love.  This is a powerful aspect of God.

Love combined with human thought is the most powerful force in the Universe.  Stay in the Space of Love and invite Love into your life.  Invite Love into your home and into your awareness.  Allow it to be with you and help you to wake up and truly recognize those who are trying to help you vs. those who are trying to do you harm.  A true Space of Love grows from the inside and radiate out into the world like the sun.  Shine on.

Many Blessings to you Fellow Travelers

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Too Many Questions?

It's ok to have questions, even when you're not getting answers. 
Sometimes we need to release the answers and just "be" with the questions. 
The questions can teach us as much about ourselves as the answers.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Has anyone been feeling lonely lately?  Or have you felt like the people around you just don't understand who you Truly are?  Are your relationships quickly changing?

As we enter the fall season here on the Northern hemisphere, it feels like time is speeding up.  It seems like there is too much to do and not enough time to get it done.  Plus, it might feel like old friends are leaving and the new friends have not yet arrived.  In fact, you might feel like you are in a state of limbo.  
This is because we are entering a time of surrender.  It is time to surrender what we think we need to do in order to survive through life.  It is time to let go of the people in our lives and not hold onto to them so tightly.  There is a Native American saying that in loving relationships, we must leave enough space for the wind the blow in between us.  It is time to allow for that open space, in relationships as well as everything we've been trying to accomplish.

We all need to just sit back, relax the mind and allow the powerful Earth energy to take over.  

When I say "surrender", I don't mean "give up".  What I mean is to let go.  Imagine that you've already done everything you need to do in life and now it is time to stop "trying" so hard and just see what happens.  Your soul has already gotten you to where you need to be.  Trust your soul.  Trust where you are, even if you feel totally alone.  Even if you feel uncomfortable and scared, it's time to trust.  The future has already been set in motion and it's time to ride the wave.

The human race has made the choice to move forward with the Energy of Love.  As this choice unfolds, the world will appear to be in chaos, but it's not.  In fact we are moving away from chaos and into alignment.  Even when you go to a chiropractor to get your spine adjusted, there could be some pain during the alignment.  But it's only temporary.  Don't fight with the adjustment.  Surrender and allow.

You might find that your interests are changing too.  Perhaps old friends are no longer fun or supportive and you just want something different.  Perhaps your job is suddenly unfulfilling.  Just trust how you feel.  This autumn is also the Season of the Heart, meaning that your heart is leading the way and needs to be acknowledged.  You are in transition and around the winter solstice in December you will experience resolution.  The pieces will fall into place as long as you allow them to soar a bit longer.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Spiritual Veil Between Worlds

Around the year 2000, my spirit guides told me that the veil between worlds would be growing thinner over the next 10 years.  Meaning that it will become increasingly easier for us to communicate with the spirit world and with our relatives and loved ones who have passed on.  This is nothing to fear.

I find it fascinating that so many TV shows about mediums and ghost hunting are becoming so popular.  I personally love Ghost Adventures and The Dead Files on TLC and I absolutely love Theresa, The Long Island Medium.  There are also many others shows too, as well as psychic mediums who are authentically helping people to connect with the their deceased loved ones.  And thanks to modern technology, more and more people have been able to prove the existence of ghosts and the spirit world.

One of the reasons why this is so interesting to me is because of the amount of healing that takes place when one person can contact a deceased loved one via a medium or the use of an electronic voice recorder.  Many times I have cried tears of joy just watching The Long Island Medium.  When a clear and powerful messages gets through to a grieving spouse or friend, everyone watching the show gets to benefit from the healing.  There is a ripple effect of love.
Consider that the spirits heal too.  And ghosts heal and move on to the Light when they are acknowledged and forgiven.  If the spirit world is healing right along with the physical world, imagine how powerful that is!  This process is bringing the physical world and the spiritual world together with joy and healing.  What if this process is helping your own ancestors move on too?  What if this ripple effect, along with everyone's good feelings and bright thoughts, is helping years and years worth of trapped spirits move on to the Light?  And if these trapped spirits are rising up and moving on to God, then what is left in their wake?  I'll tell you, a whole, new, creative SPACE is left.  This Space can be filled with possibility.  Another word for this is EVOLUTION.  

Imagine the impact on our children, to have their ancestors heal and join with God.  No more family drama, no one holding on to pain, loss or hurt, just unity and forward movement.  I've heard this referred to as Inter-generational Trauma.  We are freeing 9 generations back and 9 generations forward all at the same time as well as freeing the Earth from the heavy burden of holding onto ghosts and lost souls.

I believe that the thinning of the spiritual veil, allowing us to connect with our deceased loved ones, is freeing everyone!  As technology advances, and more proof of life after death becomes more and more undeniable, the human race will know, without a doubt, that our deceased loves ones are still around.  We will continue with our emotional healing, clearing, forgiveness, release and joy.  Without the pain and sorrow of grief, we will be able to psychologically move forward and become more productive, creative and imaginative people.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Healing Worry

Women tend to be plagued with worry.  We seem to worry constantly, about those we love, about how we are doing in life or whether or not people around us are happy.  I believe this is because women can so easily sense everyone's pain and automatically want to help.  And when we don't know how to help, or how to fix the problem, then we worry about it.  
However, consider that worry is a form of feeling powerless.  Whenever worry creeps into your thoughts, ask yourself, "Am I actually feeling powerless in this situation?"  If the answer is "yes," then be sure to give yourself a healthy dose of Love.  Love is the key.  Love yourself, love the other person and love the problem.
There is great wisdom in knowing our limitations.  When we try to go beyond our limitations and try to help someone when we truly don't know how, we will cause more problems for everyone.  It's important to be able to say, "I don't have those skills so I need to admit that I cannot help you.  This way, I won't be a part of the problem."  
Sometimes the best thing to do is to step back and allow other people to go through their pain and struggles.  It's is more empowering to allow someone to grow rather than to jump in and try to "fix" something that you are not qualified to fix.  Just take a step back, relax and send Love instead.  Love and gentle support can shift the energy of a situation.  It can calm everyone down and help people to think more clearly.  It can also bring on spontaneous solutions.  So, no fixing problems for people!  Just Love them instead.  The worry will melt away with the knowing that you have the Power of Love.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

How to avoid natural disasters

How can you protect your home and the land where you live from natural disasters? Try this: every night, pick out a star that calls to you. Connect with that star, keep eye contact with it, and use the star to reflect your love and prayers of protection down to your town. Stars can bounce energy from us back down to the Earth. This technique for prayer is powerful! Believe me, I have tested it and it works. You can send energy to your loved ones anywhere in the world, sent peace to troubled areas and/or send healing energy to Mother Earth so she can calm down and not be affected by the dark thoughts of destructive humans. Use your thoughts of Light to protect your home and those of your neighbors!

You are NOT weak!  The power of your thoughts will cause miracles!!!! 

Let me know how this works for you. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Make sure that the words you speak and the actions you take only increase your Inner Light.

Last night I was meditating on the issue of why the human race has gone through such terrible darkness over the past few centuries. I got an interesting answer. I got told that it was time for the human race to know Light from the inside instead of just seeing it on the outside. Hence, I wrote on my FB page: Make sure that the words you speak and the actions you take only increase your Inner Light.

The message continued to say that "light" is more than what comes from the sun. "light" in and of itself is an intelligence in the Universe. It is a substance of Life. Even though we see light every day, no one "gets" this truth. Light is an intelligence, just like the Energy of Love. And the human race collectively wanted to know what we would do if that external light was removed... meaning that the intelligence was removed. So the intelligence of Light left the human race for awhile and the whole Universe waited to see what humans would do. 

What we need to do is find the inner light... meaning the Inner Light Intelligence. We need to find and cultivate our inner light and have that guide our thoughts, words and actions. The more we do this, the more we can reconnect with the literal sun-light on our planet and rediscover the "intelligence" and Life Force in it.
Does this make sense? It can be hard to write big concepts clearly.

So I was watching my son sleep and noticed how the evening sunlight fell through his curly hair. I focused on the light I was seeing on him, relaxed, and let myself connect with the thoughts of that light. Nothing specific happened, but I felt amazing and had good dreams that night. I will continue to do this meditation and see what happens.

(Those who have read The Ringing Cedars of Russia might understand this blog better than other people.)

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Soldier of Light

"A man materialized right in front of me. He was physical and yet not. I saw him clearly in my mind's eye and yet he was not solid enough for anyone else to see. This man was dressed like a Roman soldier with a golden helmet, a pleated leather skirt, and wearing ancient leather sandals. His chest was bare like a gladiator, yet I knew he was not a prisoner or a slave, he was a soldier, a Soldier of Light. We must have known each other in another life or something because the familiarity in his face soothed me like gazing into the eyes of a long lost relative. In one powerful hand, he gripped a rainbow colored lance while standing firm with a confidence that told me something intense was about to happen. This spirit man glanced over at me, stared into me, and... smiled." 
                            -A Higher Love, page 168

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Angels are in the details

Some people might think that angels are not real, or that angels are just a "fluffy-bunny" super-happy experience that some have occasionally in their lives.  However, angels are quite real.  They are unstoppable and powerful beings made from the most powerful love and bright thoughts the human race can muster.  Angels are intelligent, creative and thoughtful beings who can have a strong impact on our day to day lives.  In order to reach our angels, we need to pay attention and be aware.  Angel contact is a life style.  We need to be ready and open-minded enough to realize they are with us 24 hours a day.  All we have to do is listen and be mindful of the details in life.  Angels are in the details.  They are in the mundane.  They are in softly spoken prayers and simple joys.

Friday, May 17, 2013

The Power of Women

Women are not only the birthers of the human race, but they are the ones who hold the vision for the family.  Women have the God-given ability to envision what they want for their family and bring that vision into reality.  They hold the space for success on all levels for their partner and children and have the ability to create a Space of Love.
This is a huge responsibility.  Women should not take their role lightly... or go ahead and take it Lightly!  A woman's purpose is to create and move that creation into the future.  Therefor, women need to take care of themselves.  They need to eat healthy, be gentle with their emotions, trust their intuition and educate themselves about whole-health.  Don't just take the word of doctors or so called "experts".  Instead, learn for yourself, study for yourself, and know that the earth holds a vast wealth of knowledge about health and wellness.  
Women need to love their community and remember the benefits of folk medicine from centuries ago.  These memories live in the body and soul.  Meditation is the key to remembering.
Spend time with others who support this vision and purpose.  There is no need to waste time with destructive people.  Make sure you don't give in to drama, gossip, stressful new reports or ignorance.

Most importantly, women should not give in to fear.  Your body belongs to you and you alone.  No one knows you as well as you do.  Trust yourself, even if that trust goes against what "experts" say is "right".  And lets all raise our children to do the same, to trust themselves.  

There is currently too much fear going around about illnesses and dis-ease.  Corporations are trying to control the medical industry and the Supreme Court is about to vote on whether or not corporations have the right to "own" human genes and/or human illnesses.  Lets not give them the satisfactions of owning our bodies.  Women, use your power to create and envision a bright future by re-claiming your health and the health of your family.  No one needs to tell us what to do or how to live.  Women have the power.  All you have to do is visualize the world you want.  Hold that vision and live as if it were already true.  Your thoughts will fly out into the Universe and begin to create.  It is up to women to birth a new reality onto this planet, one that is based on Love, Freedom, Connection and Joy for all.  It is the job of men to materialize this vision into reality.  Men are blessed with the ability to take action and "build" this vision into truth!  Lets all work together in order to give our children back their Pristine Origin.
I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Angel Message

Hi Friends,
Today I did an angel reading for an extraordinary young woman who was suffering from depression.  Together, we uncovered that the depression was coming from her wanting a deeper connection with God and not knowing how to get it.
She thought that she was letting God down by feeling depressed.  Instead, however, the angels told her that she is a spiritual leader and that her current challenges were preparing her for the day in which she can help others.  God does not feel "let down" simply because we are going through difficult times.  God is our parent.  S/he is kind and understanding when we face challenges the same way we are kind and understanding when our children face challenges.  We offer our children love and support and that is exactly what God offers to us. 
Another message that came through in the reading is to pay closer attention to the subtle messages from your spiritual guidance. 
God and the angles don't always blast us with energy.  We don't have to have an extraordinary encounter with God in order to be connected.  In fact, God and angels communicate gently.  God is in gardening.  God is in playing with children.  God is in eating healthy foods and enjoying the sunrise.  Sometimes all we need to do in order to feel spiritually connected is to look around and notice our surroundings.  Enjoy friends and family, listen to the birds sing and appreciate all that you have in life.
Also, self forgiveness is important.  Forgive yourself for being depressed, or angry, or sad, or for feeling disconnected in the first place.  God is not upset with you so why should you be upset with you?  Remember that a difficult situation is only temporary, but YOU go on forever!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Power of Manifestation. But are we mature enough to use it?

Manifestation.  Everyone loves to talk about it and figure out new and more powerful ways to use it.  Author Doreen Virtue says that the universe is a Cosmic ATM machine and all we have to do is ask for what we want, money or whatever, and the universe, and the angels, will bring it to us.  The movie The Secret said that manifestation is as simple as Ask, Believe, Receive.  We can get a new bike, a new car or a new house.  Just Ask, Believe and Receive.

But does anyone consider the possibility that what we are asking for might cause problems?  Are we, as the human race, truly mature enough to use our powers of manifestation?  Yes, we do have the power to create what we want.  We were made in the image and likeness of God.  Our thoughts are powerful and can manifest into physical reality.  The chair you are sitting on was once a thought.  The computer you're staring at was once a thought.  And your very existence was once just a dream envisioned by your parents.

There are many people walking around in the world today who scare me.  Their thoughts don't seem to rise above survival, fear, domination, greed or victim-hood.  To tell you the truth, I don't want those people to be able to manifest their thoughts into physical reality!  I think the human race as a whole needs to grow and mature before we should be manifesting anything.  Even the simple desire for a car can cause problems.  For example, the construction of a car uses materials that destroy the earth.  Then the car runs on gasoline and oil, the extraction of which causes much harm and damage to the environment.  Then, we are dealing with the politics of extracting that oil.  Who is in control of the oil?  What about the politics of money?  Who is ultimately in control of the money?  Thousands of people get murdered on a daily basis over money.  Do we really want to contribute to that?

Even the desire for a new home, yes, we have the power to manifest what we want, but houses can cause damage to the environment too.  Therefore, we need to be mindful and pay attention to what we want.  Think it through.  Would our desires cause death and damage to our natural resources?  Would our desires contribute to those who are in greed-power?  Would they separate the people in your community?  Would they harm anyone?

Unlike The Secret and Dorren Virtue, I do not think the Universe should be used as a Cosmic Cash Machine.  Instead, we need to use our power to create to bring people together, to grow gardens free from chemicals and GMO's.  We need to use our power to create to build homes that exist in harmony with the Earth instead of drain her resources.  We need to get cars on the market that don't pollute the air or run on oil.  We can use our power of thought to re-create our school system, fairly distribute food and other resources to those who need it, heal broken hearts and battered bodies, share the land fairly, love, lift our thoughts to thrival instead of survival, and move the human race forward in a healthy direction for everyone.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

We have the power within, so lets use it!

It has been said that one of the  most damaging belief systems that has been programmed into the life of modern humans is the belief that God is somewhere up in the sky and that Heaven is in some other dimension.  (Indirect quote from Grandfather in book 7, The Energy of Life by Vladimir Megre of The Ringing Cedars of Russia)

The truth, however, is that Heaven is on Earth, right underneath our feet, and is very much a part of physical reality.  And God is not in some distant realm of clouds with happy, but clueless, cherubs.  God is the very air we breath, the water we drink and, you guessed it, the Earth right underneath our feet.  God is Life Force itself.  Everything living is an aspect of God, that includes you and me.

We were made in the image and likeness of God.  To put it another way, we are the Children of God.  God gave birth to us and we are his/her offspring.  God does not punish, God does not demand our loyalty nor does God wish to see us on bended knees in him his name.  God does not require is to kill nor does God expect us to spend our precious mental power trying to cause everyone to think the exact same way that we do.  It is the same way for us with our own children.  Do you want your own children to bow and gen reflect every time you enter the room?  Do you want your own children to constantly pray to you for help, even when they're adults?  Do you want your own children to spend their lives fearful that you will punish them harshly or send them to Hell?  Probably not.  I would assume that most parents want their kid to grow up happy, strong and loving towards themselves.  Most parents would want their children to treat others with kindness, move forward in life with love and joy and eventually create their own families with the same wonderful qualities.  This is what God wants for us.  God wants us to be happy, loving towards each other and all of Life Force and God wants to experience joy in our creations.  Notice here that I used the word "creations" not "destructions".

The Higher Beings of Light are the same way.  They wish us to learn about our incredible Divine Power and how it works.  They know that we are the Children of God and, therefore, are the most powerful beings on Earth.  This power stems from love and creation.  Their role in our lives is to help us to know Who We Are and move forward in Life with confidence, health and wisdom.

Our Divine state of existence includes our physical bodies.  I have come across many spiritual authors and teachers who tell us that our physical bodies are not as important as our spiritual selves and that once we leave our physical bodies we will be free to return to God.  This, my friends, is not exactly the truth.  Our physical bodies were how God birthed us into being and we are free to be with God while in our physical bodies.  Our bodies need to be respected, honored and cared for.  In fact, our physical bodies contain our spiritual strength and render us even more power than any spirit or angel simply because it allows us to Be on all planes of existence: spiritual, mental, emotional AND physical.  If the physical world is so bad, then why are so many spirits trying to get back here?

What this all comes down to is using our individual power to create a bright, beautiful and loving life.  This is the Divine Plan.  The same way you did not have children for the purpose of having them suffer, struggle and live in pain, God did not intend for us to suffer.  We do not need to constantly call on the angels for help.  We do not need to pray to God to fix everything.  Sure, praying is powerful, but we don't need to place ourselves in a weak and helpless position and expect some other being to fix our lives.  We have the power within to do it ourselves!  The best way to honor God is to accept our personal power and use our Divine Gifts and solve our own problems.  We can heal ourselves, love ourselves, love each other and reach out to restore our entire planet back to it's pristine origins!  Accepting our power is not a sin.  It is not disrespectful to God.  It is what God wants us to do. 

(This information is explained in detail in the book series The Ringing Cedars of Russia by Vladimir Megre)

My book is called A Higher Love: Walking a Profound Journey and is available on