Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Power of Manifestation. But are we mature enough to use it?

Manifestation.  Everyone loves to talk about it and figure out new and more powerful ways to use it.  Author Doreen Virtue says that the universe is a Cosmic ATM machine and all we have to do is ask for what we want, money or whatever, and the universe, and the angels, will bring it to us.  The movie The Secret said that manifestation is as simple as Ask, Believe, Receive.  We can get a new bike, a new car or a new house.  Just Ask, Believe and Receive.

But does anyone consider the possibility that what we are asking for might cause problems?  Are we, as the human race, truly mature enough to use our powers of manifestation?  Yes, we do have the power to create what we want.  We were made in the image and likeness of God.  Our thoughts are powerful and can manifest into physical reality.  The chair you are sitting on was once a thought.  The computer you're staring at was once a thought.  And your very existence was once just a dream envisioned by your parents.

There are many people walking around in the world today who scare me.  Their thoughts don't seem to rise above survival, fear, domination, greed or victim-hood.  To tell you the truth, I don't want those people to be able to manifest their thoughts into physical reality!  I think the human race as a whole needs to grow and mature before we should be manifesting anything.  Even the simple desire for a car can cause problems.  For example, the construction of a car uses materials that destroy the earth.  Then the car runs on gasoline and oil, the extraction of which causes much harm and damage to the environment.  Then, we are dealing with the politics of extracting that oil.  Who is in control of the oil?  What about the politics of money?  Who is ultimately in control of the money?  Thousands of people get murdered on a daily basis over money.  Do we really want to contribute to that?

Even the desire for a new home, yes, we have the power to manifest what we want, but houses can cause damage to the environment too.  Therefore, we need to be mindful and pay attention to what we want.  Think it through.  Would our desires cause death and damage to our natural resources?  Would our desires contribute to those who are in greed-power?  Would they separate the people in your community?  Would they harm anyone?

Unlike The Secret and Dorren Virtue, I do not think the Universe should be used as a Cosmic Cash Machine.  Instead, we need to use our power to create to bring people together, to grow gardens free from chemicals and GMO's.  We need to use our power to create to build homes that exist in harmony with the Earth instead of drain her resources.  We need to get cars on the market that don't pollute the air or run on oil.  We can use our power of thought to re-create our school system, fairly distribute food and other resources to those who need it, heal broken hearts and battered bodies, share the land fairly, love, lift our thoughts to thrival instead of survival, and move the human race forward in a healthy direction for everyone.

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