Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Make sure that the words you speak and the actions you take only increase your Inner Light.

Last night I was meditating on the issue of why the human race has gone through such terrible darkness over the past few centuries. I got an interesting answer. I got told that it was time for the human race to know Light from the inside instead of just seeing it on the outside. Hence, I wrote on my FB page: Make sure that the words you speak and the actions you take only increase your Inner Light.

The message continued to say that "light" is more than what comes from the sun. "light" in and of itself is an intelligence in the Universe. It is a substance of Life. Even though we see light every day, no one "gets" this truth. Light is an intelligence, just like the Energy of Love. And the human race collectively wanted to know what we would do if that external light was removed... meaning that the intelligence was removed. So the intelligence of Light left the human race for awhile and the whole Universe waited to see what humans would do. 

What we need to do is find the inner light... meaning the Inner Light Intelligence. We need to find and cultivate our inner light and have that guide our thoughts, words and actions. The more we do this, the more we can reconnect with the literal sun-light on our planet and rediscover the "intelligence" and Life Force in it.
Does this make sense? It can be hard to write big concepts clearly.

So I was watching my son sleep and noticed how the evening sunlight fell through his curly hair. I focused on the light I was seeing on him, relaxed, and let myself connect with the thoughts of that light. Nothing specific happened, but I felt amazing and had good dreams that night. I will continue to do this meditation and see what happens.

(Those who have read The Ringing Cedars of Russia might understand this blog better than other people.)

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